2012 (The World's End) : Myth Or Fact - The Mayan Prophecies. (my private investigation)

Everybody asking what will happen on 2012 December 21.
I am here trying to explain. According to the mayans it will end the cycle of reincarnations on this planet in this 3rd dimension. All the planets and all life forms that we see will be uplifted to 5th dimension. And life cycle and reincarnations will start from new beginning.

Basically we will have done in this dimension. Our consciousness will raise up and we will start see and hear more things, we will be aware of life itself. Our bodies will be healed and we will live longer. It is will be a Golden Age for us. We will be telepathic and remember all our reincarnations. Our DNA structure will change from 2 strength to a 12 strength. Also our molecules will change from carbon to crystal. And it is happening already now. It will be like waking up from the dream.

let me explain it in a scientific manner..
On this day all the planets will line up in one straight line towards center of our galaxy Milky Way. Huge energy will be comming toward the earth. It is said that the Mayans knew about it and that’s why their calendar ends on 2012 December 21. But it does not mean that the life will end. The life from here will have a new beginning.

So is the world going to have a end actually??
yes, I mean, it's possible. The question is when and how?. In our next posts we will discuss about the 8 deadly facts that made me say so.

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