2012 (The World's End) : Myth Or Fact - Death of a star (Black Holes). (my private investigation)

When i first thought about the disaster the Black Holes can cost I was just silly. I was unaware of the deadly power it has. Then i tried to learn about the topic here what we call as a Blackholes.
Everyone here is familiar with the Black Holes, as this is related to Sir, Stephen Hawking . He is known for his contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes.

Actually its a cosmic vacuum cleaner that is capable to suck in anything that comes in its gravitational grip(several light years). It is said that even the light cant escape the black holes.
If we are to shoot a nuclear weapon right into the back hole..we wont even notice it. It was discovered some what in the 1970's. Then on further study they found that there was thousands of them scattered across the universe.

Stars as we know are the balls of gas that are somewhat stable, ie they neither shrink nor expand, they maintain a shape. The Gravity wants to make it shrink, and the heat generated from the core prevents shrinking. Consider a condition when the nuclear fuel runs out in the center. Yes, this is possible and this would result in the coooling of the star. It looses its ablity to withstand against the gravity, the gravity gains power and the star just collapses. This creates a massive gravitational pull at the center.

Initially as they were discovered the Blackholes were considered to be stationary. Then in year 2000, wandering Black Holes were discovered. So is there any possibility that they are heading our way??. Luckily till date we have no evidence.

In a competition between the Black Hole and the earth the earth would loose in a fraction of a microsecond. We will notice the planets in the galaxy are a little disturbed. Night sky would be elegant with beautifully placed stars.

But for now we have nothing to worry!!. Before a deacade or so, we will get warnings about this and we will be having enough time to get ready.

This would be like someone is coming to kill us and we are not able to do anything, just wait for him to finish off the task!!. When it comes closer to the earth, its gravity will cause enormous changes in the earth. The tides will be enormous that any tsunami. Its not going to be feat high, or 10's of feats high, its going to be miles high!! The oceans will wash over the continent. The buildings and everything will be sucked off to the black hole, and of-course the people. The body will begin to stretch and stretch and stretch. Then at first it would feel comfortable. But then the feet will be ripped of from the earth. and ..guess!!! I don't want to make the blog improper for minors!! Our body will be scattered into pieces !!!

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